Since 2005, The Venice Golf and Country Club Foundation has been supporting nonprofit agencies that serve the greater Venice area through its annual grant program.

The VGCC Foundation is a Donor Advised Fund administered by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation; however, the VGCC Foundation Board of Directors determines how our funds are distributed.
The Foundation’s funding comes primarily from annual donations from members of The Venice Golf and Country Club, “fun"raising events and other private donations. Click here to see the Foundation's grant funding sources.
To review the agenda packet from our 2025 Annual Meeting, including the 2024 Financial Summary, please click here.
To review the Amended and Restated By-Laws (as of February 21, 2024) please click here.
Please feel free to contact our Foundation Administrator if you are interested in learning more about the VGCC Foundation, our programs, events or volunteer opportunities at info@vgccfoundation.org.
Foundation Administrator
Sherry Borgsdorf